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Success Stories

Don't take my words for it!

See the changes that her clients achieved! 

Neil Singh


MBA Student

Neil was facing criticism from his family regarding his career choice and he was becoming resentful by this opposition as he felt he had provided valid reasons for the need of this change. In the Coaching sessions, we unlocked deeper issues that was holding him back - he had always tried to bend someone else’s values and perspective, but he realised that this can be self-defeating. This realisation allowed him to communicate in a more constructive manner with his family. Neil has learnt to rationalise his father’s perspective by respecting that it has been shaped by vastly different generational experiences. Through this breakthrough, Neil was liberated - he has managed to avoid passive aggression and has moved forward positively, and his family relationship has improved through his ability to communicate with greater empathy. At the end of our sessions, he told me that he now sees embracing empathy and striving for open communication as a way to be kind to himself. 


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Coach, facilitator, trainer at Seeds and pebbles coaching and training

Patrizia has quit her well-paid job to chase a new career she truly wants, but somehow she found her self feeling stuck, uninspired, low on energy and weighed down by past life decisions that she didn’t feel capable of reconsidering. Patrizia wanted to clarify her objectives and vision and start taking new concrete steps in terms of marketing, life choices, self-care. Through Coaching, she realised that in order for her to pursue her new career, she needed to have tough conversations with her family to get their understanding of her career change, and also make life-changing decisions such as selling her current house to move somewhere that better reflect who she is. As Patrizia realised these were the necessary steps and acted upon them, she became more authentic to her true-self rather than being pulled by her responsibility and she re-found her motivation. We then worked on a concrete roadshow to gain more clients for her business. 



Google Campaign Specialist 

Joe came to Mai drained of energy and was convinced that his personal project that meant so much to him would never be done due to his fear of failure. He was disappointed with himself but somehow he couldn't find the energy to start the project. Through Coaching he realised that he was afraid of starting the project as he had put a high expectation on what he'd produce and therefore, he was scared of not meeting his own expectation. During our sessions, he realised that this project is actually a stepping stone for his creative expression and does not need to be "perfect". Once he realised this, he felt much more at ease and his energy started to rise. Only two months later, he was emitting energy and expressed profound confidence in his ability. In a short span of time, Joe’s fear of failing turned into an opportunity for learning because he had set a longer-term vision. His fear was replaced by the thought that mistakes will serve as a lesson for the next project. 

Supatra Bromilow


A wife, mother and founder of Yoga with Supatra 

Supatra was going through a big transition as she moved to a new city for her husband's job - she was exploring new work opportunities and excited about this new adventure. But somehow she felt  down and thought it was caused by her insecurities in pursing her new line of work. Through coaching she realised that she was focusing on the wrong pieces and found the true underlying issue of adjusting to this big transition. Once that became clear, it was easy to outline what Supatra needed in order to get out of the old slump and allowed her to launch her business that she originally felt not confident to do. 

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